and Entrepreneurs

Mom & Pop Businesses
UJAMAA (Cooperative Economics) Kwannza principle
Food Trucks & Vendors
Main Street / Small Town Establishments
BeeKeepers, Winery, CBD Medical
Community Gardens
Film Industry related business occupations

TOLESG goal is to take on the similarities of a cooperative or communal enterprise using the principle concept from Kwanzaa's fourth principle UJAMAA. With the development of our own family-friendly community, The Villages of Promise, OK in which one can have the opportunity to grow, thrive and survive as a resident, profit-sharing worker, and/or entrepreneur within the town's limits.
What is Cooperative Economics?
Regarding the concept of "economic self-reliance," Karenga defines it as "the building, strengthening and controlling of the economics of our own community." It means being responsible for creating, retaining ownership, and managing the resources our community needs to grow and thrive. Also, similar to communal enterprise which is It means people are working together to get something done.
In contrast to purely individual effort, in which you do it all yourself, if you are involved in a communal effort (or enterprise), you cooperate, working all together to achieve success.
Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other
businesses and to profit from them together. Shared Wealth and Work Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) is essentially a commitment to the practice of shared social wealth and the work necessary to achieve it.
Ujamaa literally means familyhood and suggests a sharing of work and wealth in the manner of a family
How will TOLESG cooperative work?
TOLESG will be a worker-owned profit-sharing business that is partially owned by its employees. The cooperative business component will be wholly owned and managed by its participants. By organizing our business portion as a cooperative, the owner/employees will help make the enterprise's initial investment work for its success and reap benefits. Like all cooperatives, they also share in the risks of the business.
What is the primary purpose of TOLESG's
TOLESG realizes our members and our community, Promise, OK economic, cultural, and social needs. We will have a strong commitment to our unique town and focus on strengthening our society we exist in and serve.
How will TOLESG's cooperative economics business concept make money?
Cooperative businesses require capital, and they generate wealth in part through the share investments of member-owners. Debt and earnings are the other primary sources of capital. TOLESG will offer many entrepreneurship options, such as to those interested in owning or building their dream business can start up a Sole Priortership, or a group might want to start an LLC or become partners in a company. However, others may not want to take the business risk alone or have a deep desire to own a specific business type, yet do not mind investing in one with others through the cooperative economics concept. Therefore this option is also available for our Tribe Members/Villagers. These members own and invest in their joint cooperatives because they trust that doing so is in their best interest.

What are the advantages TOLESG's cooperative?
Its main advantage is that it exists and operates to benefit our tribe members and villagers. Simultaneously, since the members are also the owners, they have a financial interest in the cooperative's success, which sways them toward giving it their full support and patronage.
What are the benefits of TOLESG's cooperative?
Sharing expertise and profits
Because our small town cooperatives will be run by and for our members and villagers, they have the opportunity to develop, share, and pass on the business expertise, leaving a legacy for other generations to follow. Profits generated will stay in our community and are invested in the cooperative, or even if it becomes a regional or global enterprise, the distribution remains with the local owners. Therefore, Cooperatives are a useful tool for self-help.
SHARE CAPITAL: This cooperative is run by the people and governed by the people who participated in the collaborative venture. Cooperative Partners can determine how the profits will be shared/divided, whether based on contribution (resources, investment totals, effort/help, time invested, etc.} or if it will be an equal share for all regardless of assistance.

Diverse Business Owners
What are the seven principles of the cooperative?
Cooperative Principles
Open and Voluntary Membership.
Democratic Member Control.
Members' Economic Participation.
Autonomy and Independence.
Education, Training, and Information.
Cooperation Among Cooperative.
Concern for Community
Mutal Support * Generosity * Cooperative Economics * Shared Goods
BIPOC+ (People of Color)

Food Truck

Mom & Pop Businesses
Another essential part of our Subdivisions will involve the building of Promise, OK (one of our seven entities). Promise, OK commercial industry will consist of 95-98% small "mom" and "pop" businesses. The best way to build wealth and leave a legacy is through business ownership, and we will genuinely take this back to nostalgia where small towns were built from "mom" and "pop" businesses and a hand-shake. At the top, we had a small list of the type of businesses that would be essential to every town, including ours. Yet there will also be opportunities for potential Entrepreneurs to be creative and build the company of their dream. Somehow, if feasible and falls within our moral guidelines, we will find a way to help you start your legacy down the path of business ownership the BIPOC+ way.
If it sounds interesting to you...LET'S TALK!